analyzeRequest(Object request)

This method can be used to analyze an HTTP request, and obtain various key details about it. The resulting IRequestInfo object will not include the full request URL if request is not an IHttpRequestResponse object. Alternatively, one can obtain the full URL by using the analyzeRequest2() method.


  • request - A Java byte[], String, or IHttpRequestResponse object containing the request to be analyzed.

Returns: An IRequestInfo object that can be queried to obtain details about the request.


var requestInfo = helpers.analyzeRequest('GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n');
requestInfo.getMethod(); // returns 'GET'

analyzeRequest2(IHttpService httpService, Object request)

This method can be used to analyze an HTTP request, and obtain various key details about it.


  • httpService - The HTTP service associated with the request. This is optional and may be null, in which case the resulting IRequestInfo object will not include the full request URL.
  • request - A Java byte[] or String object the request to be analyzed.

Returns: An IRequestInfo object that can be queried to obtain details about the request.


var requestInfo = helpers.analyzeRequest('GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n');
requestInfo.getMethod(); // returns 'GET'

analyzeResponse(Object response)

This method can be used to analyze an HTTP response, and obtain various key details about it.


  • response - a Java byte[] or String object containing the response to be analyzed.

Returns: An IResponseInfo object that can be queried to obtain details about the response.


var responseInfo = helpers.analyzeResponse('HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nDate: Fri, 06 Nov 2009 00:35:42 GMT\r\nServer: Apache\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\nKeep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100\r\nConnection: Keep-Alive\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n');
responseInfo.getStatusCode(); // returns 200

getRequestParameter(Object request, String parameterName)

This method can be used to retrieve details of a specified parameter within an HTTP request. Note: Use analyzeRequest() to obtain details of all parameters within the request.


  • request - a Java byte[] or String object containing the request to be inspected for the specified parameter..
  • parameterName - The name of the parameter to retrieve.

Returns: An IParameter object that can be queried to obtain details about the parameter, or null if the parameter was not found.


var parameter = helpers.getRequestParameter('GET /?q=foo HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n', 'q');
parameter.getValue(); // returns 'foo'

urlDecode(String data)

This method can be used to URL-decode the specified data.


  • data - a Java byte[] or String object containing the data to be URL decoded.

Returns: The decoded data as a String.


helpers.urlDecode('%3cscript%3e'); // returns '<script>'

urlDecode2(Object data)

This method can be used to URL-decode the specified data.


  • data - a Java byte[] or String object containing the data to be URL decoded.

Returns: The decoded data as a byte[].


helpers.urlDecode2('f%2fb'); // returns Java byte[]{'f', '/', 'b'}

urlEncode(String data)

This method can be used to URL-encode the specified data. Any characters that do not need to be encoded within HTTP requests are not encoded.


  • data - The data to be URL encoded.

Returns: The encoded data as a String.


helpers.urlEncode('foo/bar');  // returns 'foo%2fbar'

urlEncode2(Object data)

This method can be used to URL-encode the specified data. Any characters that do not need to be encoded within HTTP requests are not encoded.


  • data - a Java byte[] or String object containing the data to be URL encoded.

Returns: The encoded data as a byte[].


helpers.urlEncode2('f/b'); // returns Java byte[] {'f', '%', '2', 'f', 'b'}

base64Decode(Object data)

This method can be used to Base64-encode the specified data. data can be a Java byte[] array or a String.


  • data - a Java byte[] or String object containing the data to be Base64 decoded.

Returns: The decoded data as a byte[].


helpers.base64Decode('Zm9v'); // returns Java byte[] {'f', 'o', 'o'}

base64Decode2(Object data)

This method can be used to Base64-encode the specified data.


  • data - a Java byte[] or String object containing the data to be Base64 decoded.

Returns: The Base64 decoded data as a String.


helpers.base64Decode2('Zm9v'); // returns 'foo'

base64Encode(Object data)

This method can be used to Base64-encode the specified data. data can either be a Java byte[] array or a String.

  • data - Java byte[] or String object containin the data to be Base64 encoded.

Returns: The Base64 encoded data.


helpers.base64Encode('foo'); // returns 'Zm9v'

stringToBytes(String data)

This method can be used to convert data from String form into an array of bytes. The conversion does not reflect any particular character set, and a character with the hex representation 0xWXYZ will always be converted into a byte with the representation 0xYZ. It performs the opposite conversion to the method bytesToString(), and byte-based data that is converted to a String and back again using these two methods is guaranteed to retain its integrity (which may not be the case with conversions that reflect a given character set).


  • data - The data to be converted.

Returns: The converted data.


helpers.stringToBytes('abc'); // returns Java byte[] {'a', 'b', 'c'}

bytesToString(byte[] data)

This method can be used to convert data from an array of bytes into String form. The conversion does not reflect any particular character set, and a byte with the representation 0xYZ will always be converted into a character with the hex representation 0x00YZ. It performs the opposite conversion to the method stringToBytes(), and byte-based data that is converted to a String and back again using these two methods is guaranteed to retain its integrity (which may not be the case with conversions that reflect a given character set).


  • data - The data to be converted.

Returns: The converted data.


helpers.bytesToString(helpers.stringToBytes('abc')); // returns 'abc'

indexOf(Object data, Object pattern, boolean caseSensitive, int from, int to)

This method searches a piece of data for the first occurrence of a specified pattern. It works on byte-based data in a way that is similar to the way the native Java method String.indexOf() works on String-based data.


  • data - A Java byte[] or String object containing the data to be searched.
  • pattern - A Java byte[] or String object containing the pattern to be searched for.
  • caseSensitive - Flags whether or not the search is case-sensitive.
  • from - The offset within data where the search should begin.
  • to - The offset within data where the search should end.

Returns: The offset of the first occurrence of the pattern within the specified bounds, or -1 if no match is found.


helpers.indexOf('GET /?q=foo HTTP/1.1\r\n', '/?q=foo', true, 0, 10); // returns 5;
helpers.indexOf('GET /?q=foo HTTP/1.1\r\n', '/?Q=foo', true, 0, 10); // returns -1;

buildHttpMessage(Object headers, Object body)

This method builds an HTTP message containing the specified headers and message body. If applicable, the Content-Length header will be added or updated, based on the length of the body. body can be either a Java byte[] array or a String


  • headers - A Java List<String> or a JavaScript String array containing the headers to include in the message.
  • body - The body of the message, of null if the message has an empty body.

Returns: The resulting full HTTP message.


var message = helpers.buildHttpMessage(['GET / HTTP/1.1', 'Host:'], ''); // returns a Java byte[] array containing HTTP request

buildHttpRequest(String url)

This method creates a GET request to the specified URL. The headers used in the request are determined by the Request headers settings as configured in Burp Spider's options.


  • url - a String containing the URL to which the request should be made.

Returns: A request to the specified URL.


var message = helpers.buildHttpRequest('');

addParameter(Object request, IParameter parameter)

This method adds a new parameter to an HTTP request, and if appropriate updates the Content-Length header. See buildParameter() for information on building parameters.


  • request - a Java byte[] array or a String containing the request to which the parameter should be added.
  • parameter - An IParameter object containing details of the parameter to be added. Supported parameter types are: PARAM_URL, PARAM_BODY and PARAM_COOKIE.

Returns: A new HTTP request with the new parameter added.


var newMessage = helpers.addParameter(
    'GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n',
    helpers.buildParameter('q', 'bar', burpCallbacks.PARAM_URL)
); // returns 'GET /?q=bar' HTTP request.

removeParameter(Object request, IParameter parameter)

This method removes a parameter from an HTTP request, and if appropriate updates the Content-Length header.


  • request - a Java byte[] array or a String containing the request from which the parameter should be removed.
  • parameter - An IParameter object containing details of the parameter to be removed. Supported parameter types are: PARAM_URL, PARAM_BODY and PARAM_COOKIE.

Returns: A new HTTP request with the parameter removed.


var request = 'GET /?q=bar HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n';
var requestInfo = helpers.analyzeRequest(request); // parse the request
var parameters = requestInfo.getParameters(); // get its parameters
var newMessage = helpers.removeParameter(
); // remove 'q' parameter from GET request

updateParameter(Object request, IParameter parameter)

This method updates the value of a parameter within an HTTP request, and if appropriate updates the Content-Length header. Note: This method can only be used to update the value of an existing parameter of a specified type. If you need to change the type of an existing parameter, you should first call removeParameter() to remove the parameter with the old type, and then call addParameter() to add a parameter with the new type.


  • request - The request containing the parameter to be updated as a Java byte[] array or a String.
  • parameter - An IParameter object containing details of the parameter to be updated. Supported parameter types are: PARAM_URL, PARAM_BODY and PARAM_COOKIE.

Returns: A new HTTP request with the parameter updated.


var request = 'GET /?q=bar HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n';
var newMessage = helpers.updateParameter(
    helpers.buildParameter('q', 'bar2')
); // updates value of 'q' parameter to 'bar2'

toggleRequestMethod(Object request)

This method can be used to toggle a request's method between GET and POST. Parameters are relocated between the URL query string and message body as required, and the Content-Length header is created or removed as applicable.


  • request - a Java byte[] array or String containing the HTTP request whose method should be toggled.

Returns: A new HTTP request using the toggled method.


var request = 'GET /?q=bar HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n'; 
request = helpers.toggleRequestMethod(request); // Changes GET to POST request

buildHttpService(String host, int port, String protocol)

This method constructs an IHttpService object based on the details provided.


  • host - The HTTP service host.
  • port - The HTTP service port.
  • protocol - The HTTP service protocol (i.e. 'http' or 'https').

Returns: An IHttpService object based on the details provided.


var httpService = helpers.buildHttpService('', 80, 'http');

buildHttpService2(String host, int port, boolean useHttps)

This method constructs an IHttpService object based on the details provided.


  • host - The HTTP service host.
  • port - The HTTP service port.
  • useHttps - Flags whether the HTTP service protocol is HTTPS or HTTP.

Returns: An IHttpService object based on the details provided.


var httpService = helpers.buildHttpService2('', 80, true); // SSL enabled service

buildParameter(String name, String value, int type)

This method constructs an IParameter object based on the details provided.


  • name - The parameter name.
  • value - The parameter value.
  • type - The parameter type, as defined in the burpCallbacks object beginning with the PARAM_ prefix.

Returns: An IParameter object based on the details provided.


var parameter = helpers.buildParameter('foo', 'bar', burpCallbacks.PARAM_URL); // builds a GET parameter 'foo=bar'

makeScannerInsertionPoint(String insertionPointName, Object baseRequest, int from, int to)

This method constructs an IScannerInsertionPoint object based on the details provided. It can be used to quickly create a simple insertion point based on a fixed payload location within a base request.


  • insertionPointName - The name of the insertion point.
  • baseRequest - A Java byte[] array or String containing the request from which to build scan requests.
  • from - The offset of the start of the payload location.
  • to - The offset of the end of the payload location.

Returns: An IScannerInsertionPoint object based on the details provided.


var request = 'GET /?q=bar HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n'
var requestInfo = helpers.analyzeRequest(request);

// get 'q' parameter
var parameter = requestInfo.getParameters()[0];

var insertionPoint = helpers.makeScannerInsertionPoint(
    '"q" Parameter Insertion Point', 
); // defines value of 'q' parameter ('bar') as insertion point